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San Diego, CA, Jan 8th, 2015– New Android app lets users block selected apps until their fitness goals are met. For example, a Nudge Kick user can block Facebook until they take 1,000 steps or check into their gym. Using built-in sensors or syncing with FitBit, the app tracks your progress automatically, so there’s no cheating! The app is the first of its kind and is produced by Nudge Kick, Inc., a well-being technology start-up in San Diego, CA.

Demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmyQENHtuRQ

“I wanted to figure out a way to force myself to walk to work even though I worked from home.” said Zack Prager, CEO and Founder. “When I realized I could just lock myself out of Gmail or any other app I used for work until my FitBit hit 2500 steps, Nudge Kick was born.”

Among other features, the Nudge Kick app harnesses the power of teamwork by allowing users to create accountability groups. Everyone’s apps are blocked until the group goal is achieved.

Nudge Kick also offers a desktop solution. Browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari block user-selected URLs until a fitness goal is completed. The browser extensions sync with Fitbit, Map My Run, and Run Keeper to track progress for step or distance goals.

The software methods used to power Nudge Kick are currently patent-pending.

Nudge Kick Features:
1. Block apps until checking in to a gym (through the app)
2. Block apps until running a certain number of steps (tracked by the app or Fitbit)
3. Set a weekly fitness schedule
4. Work with friends to achieve goals together
Pricing and Availability
Nudge Kick is available on the Google Play store for free.
Requires Android 2.3 version or newer
Google Play store link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fitnessgate
Nudge Kick browser extensions are free and available here:
Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/nudge-kick-for-chrome/kmkbpldedghnhbeigidllfjmmbjhnaog
Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/nudge-kick-beta/
About Nudge Kick: Nudge Kick develops innovative software to motivate users to focus on meeting their health goals. Founders Zack Prager and Corey Zadik, two developers who met studying Applied Positive Psychology at U Penn, are committed to finding ways to turn technology into a tool for life enhancement. They have collaborated previously on GratitudeBucket.com, a social media site designed to encourage expression of appreciation. Nudge Kick is an alum of the Wireless Health Hub Incubator in San Diego County.

Press Contact
Nudge Kick, Inc., San Diego, CA
Mobile: 760-803-4581, Zack Prager
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @NudgeKick
Web: NudgeKick.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/NudgeKick
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmyQENHtuRQ
Tumblr: http://nudgekick.tumblr.com/