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San Diego, June 7, 2013 – How many times have you asked the question: What should we do tonight? Now, you can just leave things to Fate® – an app released Friday by local Encinitas mobile software provider S3CO – to solve any social stalemate. Whether you’re in a group, on a date, with family or alone, Fate suggests activities suited to your personal tastes. Just tap the answers to a few quick questions about your mood, how much money you want to spend or the type of people you’re with – and Fate will show you the path out of boredom. And so nothing is left to chance, Fate allows for secure integration with Facebook and Twitter to build you a profile for your best possible recommendations. Put Fate in the palm of your hand today by visiting http://www.fateapp.com or purchase at the introductory price of $1.99 in the iTunes App Store or Google Play Market under Fate App.

“Fate isn’t just another magic 8-ball app. There’s intelligence behind every recommendation,” said S3CO founder Kurt Stump, whose background in financial data modeling adds to the intuitive dimensions of the application. “Also, Fate isn’t just going to direct you to that restaurant down the street that’s paying for advertising.” Fate is a breakthrough application, which uses patent pending technology to look at multiple factors of your Online Persona™ including your Facebook profile, likes, check-ins, photo comments, and status updates as well as your Twitter timeline and tweets – all to give a remarkably customized response. You can turn-off the Facebook and Twitter integrations, if you’d like, and still receive solid advice about how to spend your day or night. Just remember, Fate’s integrations also allow you to receive specific recommendations on local restaurants, shops, bars, clubs, and attractions wherever you are. Oh, and don’t worry – Fate doesn’t transfer any of your Facebook or Twitter data off of your device and deletes it as soon as you log off.

Fate works for any social situation. Whether you’re going on a romantic first date, heading to Las Vegas, taking your dog out to brunch, home alone or spending the day with the kids – Fate works for you. Answer as many or as few question as you like. Fine tune your results with the thumbs-up/down feature, banish annoying activities from future searches, and even add ‘inside jokes’ or local hangouts to your activity results. Get things moving by sharing what Fate tells you to do via Twitter or Facebook and tag your friends in the group.

Fate is now in your hands and ready to be installed on your phone.

Based in Encinitas, CA, S3CO was formed in 2013 by entrepreneur Kurt Stump. Visit http://www.s3co.com for more information.

If you would like further information on Fate or you would like to schedule an interview, please contact:
Kurt Stump, Founder S3CO
Phone: +1 (858) 412-0365
Email: [email protected]

To download Fate: