Tag Archive for: Firefighter

SAN DIEGO (February 23, 2015) – Today, TrackTrain, a San Diego-based tech company announced the nationwide launch of its groundbreaking recording system, Exposure Tracker. This effective tool provides firefighters with thorough, accurate documentation of toxic exposures, injuries, and communicable disease exposures that firefighters face on a daily basis. The Exposure Tracker was designed by a firefighter with help from researchers from the Center of Disease Control (CDC), allowing firefighters to be proactive and preventative about their health. To date, very few forms of documenting exposures have been in place, and for many firefighters throughout history there has been no exposure tracking performed.

³My career and dream job as a firefighter ended too early when I was forced into retirement due to permanent damage to my respiratory system. We created The Exposure Tracker as a solution for other firefighters to protect their health and prolong their careers, lives, and help maintain their quality of life,² said Clive Savacool, co-founder of TrackTrain and creator of Exposure Tracker. ³Instead of using pen and paper or antiquated software, The Exposure Tracker utilizes advanced website technology to make exposure reports and recording health issues easier and more accurate.²

Firefighters encounter serious, unavoidable risks on the job. Every day they face carcinogens, physical and mental stress, and countless other toxins that take a harsh toll on their bodies. The Exposure Tracker allows firefighters to quickly document these exposures and injuries.

When an injury or illness surfaces, Exposure Tracker enables firefighters to quickly access a comprehensive database of all the prior exposures and injuries, thus streamlining the workers compensation process. This results in better care for the firefighter and a much more efficient process for the fire department¹s risk management department.

As a result of the harmful exposures and dangerous situations firefighters face daily, they are much more susceptible to injury and illness than the average person. Firefighters¹ cancer risks are up to 2.3 times higher and they are six times more likely to incur disabling injuries compared to other U.S. worker groups. After five years on the job, firefighters average an annual decrease of 60 milliliters in forced expiratory lung volume. Annually, two percent of firefighters suffer significant communicable disease exposure and 40 percent of firefighters with 25 years or more on the job show severe hearing loss.

To protect the privacy and confidentiality of firefighters, Exposure Tracker utilizes the strictest security standards, including dual-factor authentication to ensure no personal information is compromised.

About Exposure Tracker:
Exposure Tracker is the first product from TrackTrain and is a comprehensive system that allows firefighters to accurately document all toxic exposures, injuries, and communicable disease encounters. For more info visit http://castle-keepers.com. This innovative tool is designed by a veteran firefighter who experienced permanent respiratory damage which forced him into an early retirement. The Exposure Tracker will improve the efficiencies of the workers compensation process, benefiting both the firefighter and the agency¹s risk-management department. Anonymized data can be submitted by users to be utilized for firefighter safety research through advisors at NIOSH and the CDC, resulting in improved health and welfare for firefighters.

For more information please visit, www.exposuretrackerapp.com.
Become a fan at www.Facebook.com/ExposureTrackerApp, follow on Twitter @ExposureTrackerApp and on Instagram @ExposureTracker.

About TrackTrain:
TrackTrain is a San Diego-based tech company that provides web tools and apps to simplify the way public safety professionals track hazardous exposures, trainings, qualifications, and equipment. Their mission is to streamline the documentation process for risk reduction & training departments, resulting in reduced liability and increased care for public safety professionals. For more information please visit, www.tracktrain.com.
