We are Open San Diego – creating tech apps that streamline the interaction between government and residents.
Come and learn more about this work, and share any project ideas.
We are looking for team members, from project managers to UX, developers, marketing, and support crew… there is something for everyone!
This meeting is Virtual! To join us via Zoom here’s the details:
1st Tuesday Zoom:
Meeting ID
825 4686 2873
One tap mobile
The new Southeastern Live Well Center at 5101 Market St (92114) at Euclid, is right across from the MTS Trolley Euclid Avenue Station (park there for a shorter walk).
Please RSVP! We aim to using our skills and abilities to make the world a better place… and you can help!
Finally, we intend to survey the community and our volunteers for project ideas and, if you have any, if even just a wishlist app, please share your idea here.