This presentation will provide a comprehensive exploration of the operational challenges and solutions for data centers in both grid-connected and islanded modes. Key focus areas include:
Role of UPS Systems: Understanding their critical function in ensuring uninterrupted operation and seamless transitions between operational states.
Data Center Tiers: Examining the classification of data centers and their implications for reliability and resilience.
Challenges in Network Reliability, Stability, and Power Quality: Addressing key obstacles to stable operation and mitigation strategies.
Advanced Solutions for Power Quality and Stability
STATCOM Integration: Analyzing the role of Static Synchronous Compensators (STATCOM) in enhancing power quality by mitigating voltage instability, flicker, and harmonics.
Grid-Forming Energy Storage: Exploring cutting-edge technology that enables energy storage systems to provide inertia, regulate voltage and frequency, and support grid stability, particularly during islanded operation.
This presentation aims to highlight both existing and emerging technologies that enable data centers to achieve unparalleled reliability and resilience in today’s dynamic power systems.