Gear up for Athena’s 4th Annual Lifting While Climbing Summit on September 18. This STEM EVENT OF THE YEAR will address the leadership demands of a global workforce head-on. This industry showcase will feature diverse leaders, aspiring talent and male allies prepared to share their pathways to high growth, top talent acquisition, and groundbreaking innovation, all through the equality lens. Expect action-packed sessions that uncover modern-day leadership strategies that address fast-changing workforce needs and savvy career tactics essential for growth and faster impact. Lace up your proverbial hiking boots and join us at San Diego State University’s Montezuma Hall.
Learn more here:
Your Live Event Ticket Includes:
- An exclusive 1.5 hours of networking at the VIP Reception
- Complimentary beverage tickets and decadent hors d’oeuvres
- Open seating at Lifting While Climbing Summit
- #IAmOneInAMillion Athena SWAG
- Post-event access to on-demand program content
Comp codes are invalid. If your company is sponsoring this program, register through your Athena Ambassador, not on this event page.